Johannes Knoops Clarifies True History of Italian Renaissance Printing Press

photo of the island of San Giorgio in VeniceWith a three-week residency to the Branca Center of the Cini Foundation on the island of San Giorgio, Venice, Johannes Knoops, Interior Design, clearly illustrated the true location of the 1500 AD printing press of Aldus Pius Manutius. His analysis of various historical maps and a digital re-construction of the Campo San Augustino in the 16th century now clarify a misunderstood context.

Aldus was a humanist, educator, and printer credited for inventing the first italic type, establishing the modern use of the semicolon, and essentially popularizing books in the form of the octavo, yet existing memorials celebrate his achievements at the wrong location. With the true location of the Aldine Press firmly established, proposing a new memorial at the correct location is Johannes’ next challenge: The building is currently the home of a popular restaurant. With help from a grant from the FIT Faculty Development Grants Committee, his travel costs were offset.

For more information, contact Knoops, 212 217.5585.

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