History of Art Faculty Member Receives SUNY Innovative Instructional Technology Grant

Kyunghee Pyun received a SUNY Innovative Instructional Technology Grant (IITG) for her project “Diverse Techniques of Asian Art and Craft.” The project aims to develop workshops with experts in Asian art techniques and create an accompanying website. The site will become a one-stop destination for those interested in learning traditional techniques of Asian art and crafts to find documentaries, instructional videos, museum resources, and artists’ websites. A two-day workshop held at Stony Brook University in November will be documented and published on the site as well. A link to this website would be part of FIT Library’s reference collection; in spring 2017, the site will be made available to visitors at Stony Brook’s Charles B. Wang Center and SUNY College at Old Westbury’s Amelie A. Wallace Gallery. After assessing user behavior, the website will be modified and made accessible to other campuses in the SUNY system or beyond. For more information, contact Kyunghee Pyun, 74648.


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