Yuni Kawamura Appointed to Scientific Board of ‘Cultures, Fashion and Society’ Book Series

cover of Cultures, Fashion and Society bookYuniya (Yuni) Kawamura, Sociology, has been invited to serve on the scientific board of the book series Cultures, Fashion and Society, which is edited by Federica Muzzarelli, professor of photography and visual culture at the University of Bologna in Rimini, and published by Pearson Bruno Mondadori located in Milan, Italy.

The series is not only for academics but also for those who are interested in new forms of reflection involving the study of fashion and social mass phenomena. It intends to be a tool of analysis of modernity ranging from contemporary art to social history, from cinema to photography, from visual culture to design, from graphic design to advertising, from social media to literature, from aesthetics to research on costume and trends, as well as reflections on the dynamics of creativity and features of shopping tourism.

For more information, contact Kawamura, (212) 217-4926.

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