Exhibition: Statement Sleeves — Opens

Fashion and Textile History Gallery, The Museum at FIT Fashion Institute of Technology, New York City, NY, United States

Madame Grès, evening gown (detail), navy blue silk taffeta, circa 1980, France, gift of Mrs. Mildred Hilson, 82.234.3 January 24, [...]

Exhibition: Love Thy Neighbor’Hood — Opens

Gallery FIT, The Museum at FIT Fashion Institute of Technology, New York City, NY, United States

"The Luxury of Knowing Me," by Toluwani Adesanya January 24–February 11, 2024 Gallery FIT, The Museum at FIT What is [...]

Spring 2024 Convocation

Katie Murphy Amphitheatre Pomerantz Art and Design Center, Fashion Institute of Technology, New York City, NY, United States

Spring 2024 Convocation will be held in person in the Katie Murphy Amphitheatre. It will feature announcements and remarks by [...]

Faculty Workshop: It’s Your First Day of Class

Virtual event

Please join Brian Fallon, director of Faculty Development, and Jeffrey Riman, Center for Excellence in Teaching coordinator, for “It’s Your [...]