Graduate Studies Invites: Beyond the Surface

Katie Murphy Amphitheatre Pomerantz Art and Design Center, Fashion Institute of Technology, New York City, NY, United States

  Join textile designer Helen Dealtry, fashion designer Samantha Pleet, and artist Jenna Gribbon, as they discuss the relationships between [...]

Graduate Studies Invites: What Is Fashion Research?

Goodman Resource Center, Sixth Floor Fashion Institute of Technology, New York City, NY, United States

                For its first New York event, the Fashion Research Network (FRN) has [...]

Graduate Studies Invites: Michael Angove

Katie Murphy Amphitheatre Pomerantz Art and Design Center, Fashion Institute of Technology, New York City, NY, United States

British designer Michael Angove talks about his love affair with pattern. This event is part of the Graduate Studies Invites [...]

Graduate Studies Invites: Keanan Duffty

Katie Murphy Amphitheatre Pomerantz Art and Design Center, Fashion Institute of Technology, New York City, NY, United States

Duffty in 1978 in a homemade "I hate Pink Floyd" shirt, with a bandmate from Sordid Details. Join fashion designer [...]

Redressing the Body: A Panel Discussion and Fashion Showcase

Katie Murphy Amphitheatre Pomerantz Art and Design Center, Fashion Institute of Technology, New York City, NY, United States

As part of the Reimagine End of Life Week series of events, the Fashion Design MFA program hosts a discussion [...]