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From Data to Design: Rethinking Fashion’s Approach to Plus-Size Shoppers

April 11 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

plus size women being measured with fabric measuring tape and then those same plus-size women wearing fashionable clothing

From Data to Design: Rethinking Fashion’s Approach to Plus-Size Shoppers is a presentation of the research results from an FIT Presidential Diversity Grant, “Accurate Size Research: The Collection of Data and Vital Importance of Realistic Consumer Sizes.”

This grant was awarded to and the research presentation will be given by Mallorie Dunn of FIT’s Fashion Department, who also teaches courses in the Center for Continuing and Professional Studies and Precollege Programs. Dunn is also the owner and designer for SmartGlamour, an inclusive, customizable, sustainable clothing brand that has been a pioneer in the inclusive fashion space since its founding in 2014.

This presentation is open to the FIT community and the NYC fashion community at large. The research presented focuses on both measurement data and great shopping habits and trends of folks with a waist size of 34 inches and above, who live in the U.S., and shop for women’s clothing. This target demographic was chosen as these folks are both the majority of the U.S. population and systemically left out by mainstream fashion. Despite being 67–72% of the population, only 12–19% of fashion stores carry clothing for them. Fashion designers must shift their approach and thinking when it comes to who are customers are, how we treat them, how we market to them, and how we design clothing for them.

This event is free and open to the public; REGISTER ONLINE.


Dubinsky Student Center, Eighth Floor Alcove
Fashion Institute of Technology
New York City, NY 10001 United States
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Mallorie Dunn