Take Time to Understand Cybersecurity and Cyberbullying

FIT’s Division of Information Technology has created a strong educational program for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. In October, members of the Information Security office will be visiting departmental meetings, circulating relevant information, and sharing tangible best practices on how to be “cybersafe.”

The office will be circulating emails and sharing messages through social media on the topic of cybersecurity, and the FIT community is encouraged to attend “Cybercivility: A Panel Discussion” from noon to 1 pm in the Katie Murphy Amphitheatre on October 22 during this year’s Civility Week. The panel will discuss how we, as consumers of online information and as FIT network users, can empower ourselves to make informed decisions and better protect ourselves against cybercrime and cyber-incivility.

Also during Civility Week, learn how to make online content and environments more accessible through the hands-on demonstration “Accessibility Is Civility” held October 23 and 24 from 11 am to 1 pm in the Feldman Center Lobby. Participants will experience how disabilities can impede the experience of online environments.

For more information on cybersecurity and IT at FIT, visit it.fitnyc.edu.

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