FIT in the News – May 1, 2020

The Division of Communications and External Relations is pleased to share FIT in the News, which reports selected highlights of news stories about the college and/or that quote the college’s experts. These stories will be accessible for at least seven days by clicking on the links below.

FIT alumni respond to COVID-19
Continued coverage of Sew4Lives, the volunteer initiative founded by two FIT alumni. To date, Sew4Lives’ volunteers have donated over 10,000 face masks to organizations in need.

Chronicle of Higher Education (April 21)

History of face masks and gloves
Explore brief histories of the face mask with Valerie Steele, director and chief curator, The Museum at FIT (MFIT); and gloves with Lourdes Font, acting chair, Fashion and Textile Studies MA program. (April 23)
The Wall Street Journal (April 26)

MFIT curators on planning a fashion exhibition from home
MFIT curators Melissa Marra-Alvarez and Elizabeth Way, discuss curating the next MFIT exhibition, Head to Toe, from home due to COVID-19. (April 28)

How often should you wash your loungewear?
Preeti Arya, assistant professor, Textile Development and Marketing, contributed to an article on how to care for your leggings and sweatpants, now that we are staying home more. (April 24)