The Division of Communications and External Relations is pleased to share FIT in the News, which reports selected highlights of news stories about the college and/or that quote the college’s experts. These stories will be accessible for at least seven days by clicking on the links below.
Black Friday Origins
Shawn Grain Carter, associate professor, Fashion Business Management, on the meaning of Black Friday: “Black Friday means getting in the black — that’s when you’re making a profit. It was a key indicator for how you would do for your fourth-quarter results. So everybody monitored Black Friday. Some people say it’s a pejorative term, but it’s never a bad thing to make money.”
Virtual Avatars
Michael Ferraro, executive director of the FIT Design and Technology Lab, spoke to NYLON about virtual avatars: “Having 3-D avatars that can be dressed and animated creates an exciting opportunity for fashion designers, without the need for the wasteful and time-consuming process of making garments.”
Marvel’s Storyboards
Marvel Comics filmed a podcast episode at The Museum at FIT (MFIT) back in 2019 during the run of Exhibitionism: 50 Years of The Museum at FIT. Samhita Mukhopadhyay, executive editor, Teen Vogue, and Joe Quesada, artist, Marvel Entertainment, viewed the exhibition and reflected on how the styles of the times influence us.
Headbands Return
Melissa Marra-Alvarez,curator of education and research, MFIT, and Elizabeth Way, assistant curator of costume, and co-curators of the upcoming MFIT exhibition Head to Toe, spoke about the returning popularity of headbands and hair accessories since the pandemic: “A hair accessory is like makeup,” said Way. “It’s so adaptable, and it’s relatively low-cost,” added Marra-Alvarez.
Online Fashion Exhibitions
In an online roundup of the top online fashion exhibitions from Google Arts & Culture, two from MFIT were included: The Corset: Fashioning the Body (2000), and Gothic: Dark Glamour (2008). (Italy)
Click here for more FIT in the News.