Tuesday, March 24
Writing Your Truth in Fiction: Informal Talk/Q&A, sponsored by FIT Words: 1-2 pm
Business and Liberal Arts Center, Room B304
Reading and Book Signing: 5-6 pm
Eighth Floor Alcove, Dubinsky Student Center
Helena María Viramontes is the author of The Moths and Other Stories and the novel Under the Feet of Jesus. Her most recent book, Their Dogs Came With Them, focuses on the dispossessed, the working poor, the homeless, and the undocumented of East Los Angeles, where Viramontes was born and raised. Her work strives to recreate the visceral sense of a world virtually unknown to mainstream letters and to transform readers through compassionate storytelling. In the 1980s, Viramontes became co-coordinator of the Los Angeles Latino Writers Association and literary editor of XhistmeArte Magazine. Later in the decade, she helped found Southern California Latino Writers and Filmmakers. Viramontes is currently professor of creative writing in the department of English at Cornell University.