Faculty Appointed to New York District Export Council Leadership

Christine Pomeranz, chair of International Trade and Marketing, was recently appointed chair of the New York District Export Council (NYDEC). She has been appointed by five successive U.S. commerce secretaries to provide leadership and education to export ready New York’s small- and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) who wish to expand abroad. In this new role, along with her teaching role, Pomeranz has been charged with utilizing her experience and expertise to facilitate the growth of jobs and talent of New York businesses through global sales expansion and the development of the next generation of international trade leaders.

In addition, Lawrence Delson, adjunct assistant professor of International Trade and Marketing, was appointed co–vice chair of NYDEC as well as co-chair of its legislative committee. He is currently co-writing a letter to legislators to articulate the impact of tariffs and other international trade regulations on New York SMEs.

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