A Pioneering Exploration of Fashion-Exec Compensation

cover of the book Executive Fashion by Emre Ozsoz
Courtesy of De Gruyter.

A book by Associate Professor Emre Özsöz, who teaches economics in the Department of Social Sciences, is slated to be published this February by Berlin-based academic publisher De Gruyter. Titled Executive Fashion: CEO Salaries in the U.S. Fashion Industry, the book investigates executive compensation at fashion companies in the United States and written for those studying the fashion industry and corporate governance.

Özsöz is the also the author of the book Understanding Dollarization, and he has co-written a textbook on financial management. He is the recipient of a 2016 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, and his scholarly research has appeared in several academic publications, including Emerging Markets Review and Eastern European Economics.

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